Browsing Dorset » Beaminster » Bakery and Confectionery Supplies
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Le Vieux Four Tel: 013088638382 North Street
Beaminster, Dorset
United Kingdom
Le Vieux Four is listed in:
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Dorset
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Beaminster
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Beaminster, Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Dorset -
The Village Baker (Beaminster) Tel: 013088621201 Hogshill Street
Beaminster, Dorset
United Kingdom
The Village Baker (Beaminster) is listed in:
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Dorset
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Beaminster
Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Beaminster, Bakery and Confectionery Supplies in Dorset