Popular Rentals
Cheaper than using a moving company
Better for the environment than single use boxes
Speedy delivery & depots across the country
Flexibility, easily extend rental time
Made from recycled materials
Why you should hire from us the next time you move?
phs Teacrate are the leading service provider for crates, handling equipment and packaging products. Moving over 9 million crates every year and supporting every sector to ensure the move is successful and stress free.
We provide an industry leading service with our experienced sales, account management and customer support teams providing expert knowledge and advice with a customer satisfaction scoring of 99%+.
Popular Moving Bundles
Commercial Products & Services

Explore why business across the UK partner with us.

Delivery & Collections
Pick up from and drop off to one of our depots or have your order delivered Next Working Day or within our Standard Delivery times.
Collect from our depots nationwide
Collect from one of our strategically located Depots free of charge (subject to stock availability).
Next day delivery service
We offer a Next Day Delivery option. You will need to select this option at Checkout where an additional charge will be applied to your order.