Leave a legacy of kindness this Free Wills Month
When you choose to update your will and include a gift to Age UK, you'll give vital support to older people facing some of life's biggest challenges.
Free to call 8am – 7pm 365 days a year
Get a free weekly friendship call. We'll match you with one of our volunteers. Our service is flexible to suit the different needs of everyone who takes part.
Why do we value old objects over older people? Age UK is here to change how we age.
Here's how, with your support, Age UK is supporting older people through the cost of living crisis.
Get regular updates on our information and advice, campaigns, and more.
How Age UK Richmond upon Thames' Rainbow Café is providing a welcoming community for local LGBT+ older people.
Former musician Harry, 96, reminisces about his late wife May, and explains how Age UK has helped him through his loss.
Age UK’s Chief Executive Paul Farmer reveals how our Omaze partnership has already got 2025 off to an amazing start.
The cost of living crisis turned Peter’s retirement upside down, but Age UK helped him find peace of mind again.
Call our free, confidential advice line on 0800 678 1602. We're open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year